(to be updated)
At the moment YouYou is ...
Total distance of our sailing till Jamaica: 16 482 Nm
Total time spent at sea: 6 455 h
Visited countries by sea: 25

s/y YouYou (Total: 2037 Nm, 578h)
s/y YouYou (34Nm, 8h)
Port Morant (Bowden, Jamaica) – Port Royal (Kingston)

s/y YouYou (637Nm, 203h)
Curaçao – Jamaica, Port Morant (Bowden)
(17 – 24.12.2010)

s/y YouYou (92Nm, 34h)
Curaçao – Bonaire - Curacao
(27-28.10.2010 & 4-5.11.2010)